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.45 Auto Rim +P Pistol and Handgun Ammo b

SKU: 32B/20
Qty: - +

.45 Auto Rim +P Ammo
200 gr. Jacketed Hollow Point - 
(1,200 fps/ M.E. 639 ft. lbs.)
20 Round Box


You've been asking for a couple +P 45 AUTO RIM loads for a long time, so by popular demand, here they are. Both loads are using high-quality Starline brass. We've also incorporated a flash suppressed powder so you can shoot in the dark without blinding yourself and this is important because over 95% of all civilian shootings in the USA occur in low light when the criminal element is at work. Both of these loads are the equivalent of +P+ 45 ACP ammo or as it is also known, 45 Super. These are very stout loads, but will not harm modern 45 ACP revolvers, nor will these loads harm any post war 45 ACP revolvers. Feel free to safely shoot these loads in any post war 45 ACP revolver that is in normal good operating condition.

Check out the below velocities fired from personal real world revolvers, NOT test barrels. You'll notice that the new S&W 4 inch Mt. Gun gives speeds almost as fast as the older S&W revolvers with 5.5 and 6.5-inch barrels. This is NOT a typo. It simply shows that the new S&W revolvers are made to much tighter tolerances than the older S&W revolvers and therefore give higher velocities per inch of barrel. Also, we are aware that the 1937 manufactured model 1917 we used as a test gun, (see below velocity chart) is not post war.

Item # 32B - 200gr. Jacketed Hollow Point bullet

?  1,197 fps -- S&W Mountain Gun, 4-inch bbl
?  1,080 fps -- S&W Model 325 (scandium) 2.5-inch bbl 
?  1,203 fps -- S&W Model 1917 (1937 production) 5.5-inch bbl 
?  1,249 fps -- S&W 1955 Target (25-2) 6.5-inch bbl 

Item # 32B was designed for expansion and massive terminal damage, with less than 1/2 the penetration of item # 32A in flesh and bone. Expect about 14 inches of penetration from this load on live flesh and bone.

Item 32B - Exterior Ballistics Charts for several Muzzle Velocities


Muzzle Velocity @ 1400 fps for Item 32B


Muzzle Velocity @ 1300 fps for Item 32B


Muzzle Velocity @ 1200 fps for Item 32B


Muzzle Velocity @ 1100 fps for Item 32B


Muzzle Velocity @ 1000 fps for Item 32B

Field Proven pistol and handgun ammo. Maximum firepower ammo. Best ammunition for pistols and handguns for sale. Buffalo Bore. Strictly big bore. Strictly Business.

You must be 18 or older to order ammunition. Ammunition must ship UPS ground. Due to Department of Transportation regulations, we cannot accept returns on Ammunition. Make sure to use the correct ammunition in your gun. Check local laws before ordering.

Charlie Sunderlin on 08/19/2019 10:42am
I had to hone my S&W ^25 5" gun's chambers to get easy extraction with this load, as the web site suggests on several loads. It really shoots accurately. Very peppy.
Kevin on 10/02/2017 07:36pm
Shot out of Smith Wesson 4" 625JM.Accurate and definitely an noticeable increase in power/pressure. Exciting!

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