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DANGEROUS GAME 460 Smith & Wesson - Mono-Metal
300 gr. Mono-Metal WFN @ 1,920 fps / ME 2,455 ft lbs
20 Round Box
ITEM 26DG 300
At the time of this writing (02-19) I’ve long wanted to introduce a line of mono-metal, non-expanding, dangerous game loads for our large handgun and 45-70 offerings. These new “Dangerous Game” (DG) loads are super high quality, very powerful, and will live up to their namesake.
Mono-metal bullets have a few advantages (a couple of disadvantages too) over typical non-expanding hard cast bullets. These advantages may or may not be meaningful to each individual, depending on your usage. The advantages are that they are cleaner burning/firing than hard cast bullets. Also, hard cast bullets can smear their nose profile when they hit large bones at close range/high velocity. When the flat nose smears and changes shape, it can impact straight line penetration. The disadvantages are cost and case capacity issues……..mono-metal bullets made of copper or brass alloys are lightweight for their length. As an example, the 380 gr.
This is strictly a personal taste issue, but I’ve never been a fan of the big and heavy X frame S&W revolvers, mostly because of my lifestyle of climbing very steep and tall mountains. (I live, hunt, hike and fish ID, MT, WY, and CO) Those giant X frames would be great for sitting in tree stands or for having fun at the range, but for super physical hiking, I personally do not care for them. Having said that, they are very popular with the shooting public, so we have designed a dangerous game load for them. As per our normal practice, we use real over-the-counter test guns to establish our advertised velocities. Below is my singular S&W test revolver. The 7.5-inch FR revolver belongs to a friend.
➤ 1,920 fps -- S&W 460 S&W, 10.5-inch barrel
➤ 2,140 fps -- BFR 460 S&W, 7.5-inch barrel
You’ll note that the longest barrel does not give the fastest velocities, so please read this short article.
Also, this is the same 300 gr. bullet we are loading into our 45 Colt +P and 454 Casull Dangerous Game ammo, but we have seated it out to the second crimp groove to allow for more powder space, which allows velocities to climb and helps keep the pressure down.
In the lighter weight (lighter than the long barreled X frame S&W) revolvers, these bullets may jump crimp under recoil, so we advise that you read this article.
Item 26DG 300 - Exterior Ballistics Charts for several Muzzle Velocities
Muzzle Velocity @ 2200 fps for Item 26DG 300
Muzzle Velocity @ 2100 fps for Item 26DG 300
Muzzle Velocity @ 2000 fps for Item 26DG 300
Muzzle Velocity @ 1900 fps for Item 26DG 300
Muzzle Velocity @ 1800 fps for Item 26DG 300
Muzzle Velocity @ 1700 fps for Item 26DG 300
Muzzle Velocity @ 1600 fps for Item 26DG 300
Muzzle Velocity @ 1500 fps for Item 26DG 300
Muzzle Velocity @ 1400 fps for Item 26DG 300
Field Proven pistol and handgun ammo. Maximum firepower ammo. Best ammunition for pistols and handguns for sale. Buffalo Bore. Strictly big bore. Strictly Business.
You must be 18 or older to order ammunition. Ammunition must ship UPS ground. Due to Department of Transportation regulations, we cannot accept returns on Ammunition. Make sure to use the correct ammunition in your gun. Check local laws before ordering.
I just returned from a hunt in South Africa using an S&W 460 XVR Magnum. I shot several animals with it in combination with your 300-grain mono metal bullets. I am sending you several pictures of animals taken as follows:
42 1/2-inch Cape buffalo
43 1/2-inch Cape buffalo
88 yard shot with mono-metal bullet Limpopo Province, South Africa. Shot squarely on the shoulder penetrating bone, heart, and lungs. Could have been a one-shot kill but we shot again where he fell about 50 yards away. Great bullet performance.Â
(see extracted bullet below)
The performance of the mono-metal bullets was excellent. I strongly recommend the bullets for dangerous game and would be comfortable shooting an elephant if the shot presented itself.Â
Very impressed with the performance and thanks for recommending the mono-metal bullet.Â
S&W 460XVR 14-inch barrel. Leupold V-3 2.5X8-32 scope.Â
Lethal package.Â
Jim Griffith