180 gr. Hard Cast LFN-GC - (1,400 fps/M.E. 783 ft. lbs.)
20 Round Box
Our 357 mag. ammo adds more power than ever before to the 357 mag. This ammo is safe to shoot in ANY all steel 357 revolver - this includes J frames. This ammo is no harder on your gun than any other normal 357 ammo. Please don't phone or email us and ask if this ammo is safe in your gun. It is, providing your gun is in a safe condition for use with any normal 357 ammo.
We don't recommend this ammo be fired in super light alloy revolvers as bullets may jump crimp under recoil, but the ammo itself won't hurt these super light weight revolvers. These revolvers are simply so light that the recoil is severe enough to cause jump crimp.
The below velocities are offered so that you can see what guns/barrel lengths give what velocities with this new 357 mag. ammo. You'll notice that new S&W revolvers with short barrels are often shooting faster than older S&W revolvers with longer barrels. The new S&W revolvers are very good and are made with equipment that makes them more consistent and faster than the S&W revolvers of yesteryear.
Make special note of the Marlin 1894, 18.5-inch barrel velocities. Item 19C/20 supersedes 30-30 energies!!!
> 3-inch S&W J Frame
a. Item 19A/20-180gr. Hard cast LFN = 1302 fps
b. Item 19B/20-170gr. JHC (jacketed hollow cavity) = 1299 fps
c. Item 19C/20-158gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 1398 fps
d. Item 19D/20-125gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 1476 fps
> 4-inch S&W L frame Mt. Gun
a. Item 19A/20-180gr. Hard cast LFN = 1375 fps
b. Item 19B/20-170gr JHC = 1411 fps
c. Item 19C/20-158gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 1485 fps
d. Item 19D/20-125gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 1603 fps
> 5-inch S&W model 27
a. Item 19A/20-180gr. Hard Cast =1398 fps
b. Item 19B/20-170gr. JHC = 1380 fps
c. Item 19C/20-158gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 1457 fps
d. Item 19D/20-125gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 1543 fps
> 6-inch Ruger GP 100
a. Item 19D/20-125gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 1707 fps
> 18.5-inch Marlin 1894
a. Item 19A/20-180gr. Hard Cast = 1851 fps
b. Item 19B/20-170gr. JHC = 1860 fps
c. Item 19C/20-158gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 2153 fps---- Can you believe this?!!!
d. Item 19D/20-125gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 2298 fps---- Or this?!!!
Item 19A - Exterior Ballistics Charts for several different Muzzle Velocities
Muzzle Velocity @ 2000 fps for Item 19A

Muzzle Velocity @ 1900 fps for Item 19A

Muzzle Velocity @ 1800 fps for Item 19A

Muzzle Velocity @ 1700 fps for Item 19A

Muzzle Velocity @ 1600 fps for Item 19A

Muzzle Velocity @ 1500 fps for Item 19A

Muzzle Velocity @ 1400 fps for Item 19A

Muzzle Velocity @ 1300 fps for Item 19A

Muzzle Velocity @ 1200 fps for Item 19A

Field Proven pistol and handgun ammo. Maximum firepower ammo. Best ammunition for pistols and handguns for sale. Buffalo Bore. Strictly big bore. Strictly Business.
You must be 18 or older to order ammunition. Ammunition must ship UPS ground. Due to Department of Transportation regulations, we cannot accept returns on Ammunition. Make sure to use the correct ammunition in your gun. Check local laws before ordering.
Russell Parks on 06/08/2024 09:00am
I tried the 180 grain outdoorsman ammo back in November to cull wild hogs with my Ruger 77/357 rifle. I normally load my own ammo; but decided to give these a try. I took 4 hogs ranging from 60 to 170 pounds. All were shot in the head/neck and were instantly killed. Very accurate and powerful ammo.
Sam on 04/24/2024 10:34pm
Real heavy hitters. these 180 gr HCFN .357 Mag bullets run at just a tad over 1400 fps from my 4" Kimber K6S Combat. Impressive!
They are an absolute handful to shoot, but this load in my revolver will deal out some serious penetration, 40" in gel/flesh. Some new grips and some (rather expensive) practice made this loading my favorite 4-legged defensive cartridge.
It's got all the power I need and more for a woods gun here in Colorado. Good stuff.
Ray on 11/20/2023 11:49am
Shot these in my Smith 4". Awesome power. Felt recoil and barrel flip were considerable which will hinder follow-ups on fast moving targets so make the first shot count. Sticky extraction so fast reloads unlikely. Lower velocity range ammo won't prepare you for this round. It is a BEAST. Bears be warned.
Andy on 08/21/2023 01:28pm
Very accurate out of a Ruger 5059. I use these to carry when in the back country of Colorado in case of black bear or moose attacks. Have not needed them yet, but I have then loaded just in case. The most accurate ammo I have fired out of my Ruger 5059. Shoots a little high, but I have my rear sight fully depressed, so not much I can do about that.
Kyle on 10/07/2022 05:17pm
Ordered this for a gp100 4inch. Just got it in and ran a full cylinder through it. Let me tell you, whatever is on the receiving end of this is in trouble. I shot at a downed full-size oak tree and all shots plowed right through it. Recoil is very manageable provided you have a decent amount of firearm knowledge aka you know how to grip and handle firearms. This is the best ammo I've seen yet when it comes to .357.
Mark on 10/04/2021 07:36am
Recently finished our 2021 antelope hunt. My wife used your ammo in her model 94 357rifle. She harvested a nice doe at 115yards. Complete pass through. Antelope just dropped.
Thank you for the great ammo. Helped her get het first lope.
WCH on 02/26/2021 08:32pm
My family have quite a few pistols and rifles in 357.
This 357 outdoorsman hits so much harder than any other 357 ammunition I%u2019ve owned. When my son goes on his mountain excursions I make sure these rounds are in his rifle. I feel better when he does!
Brian Burke on 12/31/2017 06:36am
Great deer and hog round. Out of a 16" lever action avg 1806 fps. Awesome stuff.
Greg on 09/14/2017 05:17pm
great deer round out of a 20in lever gun, at 30 yards both lungs and the heart were turned to jello. And it didn't destroy much meet.
Jeremiah Scherer on 01/08/2017 11:14am
Was glad to finally find a box of these at local cabelas. I wanted a whitetail hunting round for 357. Had just bought 14" cva single shot pistol and wanted to maximize it's effectiveness. I took two large deer this season, 6 point buck and older doe. Through the spine on the buck (shot was a little high at over 125yds), the doe shot entered through shoulder blade, through rib, under spine and exited through opposite side hind leg. Bullet path was amazingly strait through roughly 3ft of animal. I was thoroughly impressed. Both expired almost immediately. The ammo did it's job and I'm glad I wasn't dissuaded by Internet "experts"claiming 357 isn't enough for large deer. I'm a buffalo bore customer for life. I just wish there was a local store that sold a large assortment of the stuff. A
Southeastern Ohio
Joe Randazzo on 02/01/2016 05:13pm
This is the best 357 magnum woods ammo, period. It out penetrates all others and is super accurate. I've even shot it out of my 2" barrel model 60 and it's controllable. It's super hard-hitting for ALL the game or threats you may encounter. A real winner.