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45 COLT +P DEER GRENADE Handgun Ammo

SKU: 3K/20
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260 gr. MEDIUM CAST HP-GC @ 1,500 fps
20 Round Box


BUFFALO BORE'S DEER GRENADE 45 COLT +P is a 260gr. massive hollow nosed, 12 BHN cast bullet with a gas check, traveling at the below velocities out of stock real world, over-the-counter firearms. Because this bullet is gas checked and properly lubed, it will NOT lead foul barrels.

We do not use the industry wide duplicitous practice of obtaining our advertised velocities out of extra long laboratory barrels, which give super high velocities the customer will never realize in the real world, where it actually matters.

 1890 fps -- Marlin 1894, 20 inch
 1526 fps -- Ruger Vaquero LARGE FRAME PRE 2005, 5.5 inch
 1539 fps -- Freedom Arms mod. 97, 5.25 inch
 1449 fps -- Ruger Redhawk, 4 inch

You’ll notice in one instance that a shorter barrel gave higher velocities than a longer barrel. This is not a typo.

This load is designed as the world’s premier deer load for the 45 Colt +P. The cast bullet is not considered hard, but neither is it soft. It is essentially a “medium” cast hardness with a BHN (Brinell Hardness Number) of 12. Pure lead is 4, and most hard cast bullets range from 15 to 25. It performs as follows:

>  At an impact velocity of 1,100 fps, it will mushroom to about 80 cal. and should push right through any deer with a broadside shot.  
>  At an impact velocity of 1,500 fps, it will mushroom, and some of the mushroom will fragment off and send bullet particles flying through the deer, but much of the mushroom and shank will remain intact and should push through any deer hit broadside.
 At an impact velocity of 1,900 fps, the entire mushroom will turn to shrapnel and send bullet particles all throughout the deer. The shank will remain intact but will re-mushroom and do horrific damage inside the deer and will probably push through any deer hit broadside.

Of course, results will vary depending on how much bone, if any, is hit, etc... This load was designed specifically to do horrific damage to deer-sized animals such as average black bear and hogs. It will make an incredible anti-personnel load if you can handle the recoil. It is flash-suppressed and will not blind the shooter if used in low light when the criminal element and wild animals are most active.

The cartridge OAL is 1.585 inch and as such, will chamber in any 45 colt firearm such as the Colt SAA or its clones, but firing this +P load in any firearm not designed for it would be disastrous and could injure the shooter or bystanders. Please be responsible and use this load only in firearms designed to handle the pressure of +P ammunition.

Use only in the following firearms:

1.  All Ruger large frame revolvers chambered in 45 Colt or 454 Casull. (never use +P ammo in the small frame New Model Vaquero—these revolvers were made from late 2005 and on—do not use in the New Model small frame Flat Top Ruger or ANY small frame Ruger).  Please read the following linked technical article to know more about Ruger revolvers and 45 Colt +P ammo.

Ruger Revolvers and 45 Colt +P Ammunition

2.  All 1892 Winchesters and all copies of such made after 1920.  These loads are safe in all modern Model 1892 lever guns as well as all Winchester & Marlin 1894's.  Please read the following linked technical article to know more about 1892s and all variants or copies of the 1892.

1892’s & All Variants/Copies

3.  All Winchester and Marlin 1894 models.
4.  Any break open action such as the T/C or Handi Rifle.
5.  Any falling block action such as the Sharps or Winchester 1895.
6.  Any Freedom Arms model 83 or 97.
7.  Henry Big Boy .45 Colt

If you are not responsible in using +P ammunition only in guns designed for use with +P ammunition, you potentially ruin it for all the responsible shooters that may eventually have +P 45 Colt ammunition removed from the market because of irresponsible use by a few. Please be thoughtful and careful in your firearm selection when using +P 45 colt ammunition.

Item 3K - Exterior Ballistics Charts for several Muzzle Velocities


Muzzle Velocity @ 1900 fps for Item 3K



Muzzle Velocity @ 1800 fps for Item 3K



Muzzle Velocity @ 1700 fps for Item 3K



Muzzle Velocity @ 1600 fps for Item 3K



Muzzle Velocity @ 1500 fps for Item 3K



Muzzle Velocity @ 1400 fps for Item 3K



Muzzle Velocity @ 1300 fps for Item 3K



Muzzle Velocity @ 1200 fps for Item 3K



Muzzle Velocity @ 1100 fps for Item 3K


Field Proven pistol and handgun ammo. Maximum firepower ammo. Best ammunition for pistols and handguns for sale. Buffalo Bore. Strictly big bore. Strictly Business.

You must be 18 or older to order ammunition. Ammunition must ship UPS ground. Due to Department of Transportation regulations, we cannot accept returns on Ammunition. Make sure to use the correct ammunition in your gun. Check local laws before ordering.

Bob F on 12/16/2024 05:26pm
If you've never shot this load and you plan on shooting more than 3 rounds bring yourself a shoulder pad,you'll thank me later
Mike on 11/18/2024 05:38am

I shot a Coues whitetail yesterday with my lever gun using your 45lc deer grenade ammunition. The entry damage was amazing. I've shot many deer with rifle ammunition and not seen this kind of result.  Thank you, he did not hardly take a step.














Moises Garcia on 11/29/2021 07:39am
The name grenade is very fitting! Blow both lungs , 3 ribs and shrapnel in heart . The 200lb hog never stood a chance . No exit so full energy dump after impact ! Very impressed
Richard S on 11/25/2021 04:48am
Ammo worked exactly as advertised; great load for deer.
Gregory McVey on 09/21/2021 09:43am
Very pleased so far with the 45 Colt P Deer Grenade. Out of my Marlin 1894 Limited with 16" barrel.
1866 fps, 1863 fps, 1869 fps, 1866 fps, 1869 fps
Min 1863, Max 1869, Avg 1866, SD 3.0, ES 6
Devin A on 06/01/2021 05:14pm
I haven't used on a deer yet but these are definetly very powerful loads. I shot a few of these out of my rossi 92 16 inch barrel and they kick hard almost like a 12 gauge. There is a big difference in using these and the 45 colt cowboy loads that you typically find. I can't wait for deer season with these.
John S. on 09/28/2020 07:54pm
This is a big bang. My Henry .45 LC Big Boy screams like a .44 mag or 45/70. Used these last November and it knocked a buck clear off his feet at 40 yds.
Dakota T on 11/29/2018 06:55pm
I have used these rounds on four separate deer (100 yards, 50 yards, two at 30 yards approx.) none of which went over 20 yards after being hit. These are the only rounds I will use for whitetail they're just that effective.
Mike C. on 07/23/2018 10:41am
Wow!! Serious firepower for the serious hunter. I bought these for primitive season deer hunting and wild pig slaying. I've read where the 45 Colt is supposeldy not that great of a round for deer hunting. With these, I have no doubt that those type of opinions will no longer be valid, at least for short range shooting. I'm hunting in areas where my shots will be 100 yds (max) and in. I haven't killed anything with it yet, but these are very accurate at the range and powerful, as my shoulder lets me know.

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