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9mm Luger +P+ PENETRATOR Ammo

SKU: 24F/20
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124 gr. FMJ-FN - (1,300 fps/M.E. 465 ft. lbs.)
20 Round Box


Our 9MM +P+ PENETRATOR 124gr. FMJ-FN has two basic purposes.

When I carry a defensive/offensive handgun, I consider that should I be required to shoot another human, if I don't kill him on the first couple shots, he will get behind cover.  So, generally speaking, I will load two or three JHP cartridges to be fired first from my magazine, but all cartridges in the magazine after the first few, will be FMJ-FN so if my target is taking refuge behind a stick frame wall or a sofa or a car door, etc, I can shoot through his cover and kill him. JHP bullets may or may not penetrate various types of cover.
FMJ-FN bullet designs are great for woods carry where a person may need to shoot a bear or other wildlife that requires deep penetration. I often carry a 45 ACP pistol in the woods and when I do the entire magazine and chamber are loaded with FMJ-FN cartridges. Even though I may need my "woods" pistol to fend off a human attacker, I have no hesitation that good flat nosed FMJ style bullets (this includes hard cast bullets) are effective against humans, so I see no disadvantage in carrying non-expanding bullets in my defensive pistols.
Flat nosed non-expanding bullets crush their way through flesh and bone. This crushing action keeps them nose forward, so not only do they cause considerable damage, but they stay nose-forward and penetrate straight-line and by staying “straight”, they end up penetrating deep. On the other hand, round nose non-expanding bullets tend to slip and slide through tissues doing little damage along their path. This slipping through tissues also allows the bullet to get somewhat sideways as it penetrates. This causes the bullet to veer in directions other than perfectly forward and this sideways action, limits penetration in varying ways and can certainly destroy straight-line penetration. While it seems counter-intuitive, a bullet with a small flat (meplat) on the nose will not only do much more damage than a round nose bullet, but it will penetrate straight and therefore deeper.
Our new 9mm +P+ PENETRATOR FMJ-FN (item # 24F) is a load I came up with for my personal use and which I have carried for many years.  I have just recently decided to introduce it to the public because of elevated demand for such a load. It is loaded with flash suppressed powders as are our other 9mm loads. As always, see the below real world velocities taken from my personal pistols, not laboratory test barrels.
1,317 fps   Browning MK 111 Hi-Power
1,298 fps   Glock Mod. 19
Item 24F - Exterior Ballistics Charts for several different Muzzle Velocities


Muzzle Velocity @ 1600 fps for Item 24F


Muzzle Velocity @ 1500 fps for Item 24F


Muzzle Velocity @ 1400 fps for Item 24F


Muzzle Velocity @ 1300 fps for Item 24F

Field Proven pistol and handgun ammo. Maximum firepower ammo. Best ammunition for pistols and handguns for sale. Buffalo Bore. Strictly big bore. Strictly Business.

You must be 18 or older to order ammunition. Ammunition must ship UPS ground. Due to Department of Transportation regulations, we cannot accept returns on Ammunition. Make sure to use the correct ammunition in your gun. Check local laws before ordering.

Joe Randazzo on 07/26/2018 04:23pm
This is my second review of this ammo. I used a different gun, a new SIG P 365. I tested different weight solids and HPs to see what was the most effective. This ammo out-penetrated everything. My suggestion for those with sub-compact 9mm guns is to use a combination of Buffalo Bore 124 grain P HP for the first few rounds, and for the remainder of the magazine use 124 grain P solids. They are perfect when used together. Bullets are the same weight, and travel at the same speed. Yes, it may be harder on some guns, but this is EMERGENCY ammo, recoil is very controllable in a 17 oz gun. No excuse NOT to use this ammo.
A.K. on 01/01/2018 01:29pm
I have been shooting these for quite a few years in my G19 & G17 with 22lb Gen3 RSA w/Gen4 adapters. They did work fine with the stock Gen4 RSA but since the power difference was substantial I just opted to batter the pistols less and use the stronger recoil springs. I tried this round with my G26 with a Tungsten guide rod 22lb RSA and it would not work reliably. I also tried this round with the stock RSA and it would not work reliably. No big deal though, just throwing this out there to save someone else the trouble. The 9mm Outdoorsman works excellent in my G26. Overall very impressed with the power and reliability of the Penetrator round with my G19 &G17.
WY Dave on 06/19/2017 10:54am
These are my wife's carry loads in her Glock 19 while hiking/fishing in NW WY. She's shooting 2-3 inch groups off-hand at 25 yards and the recoil is very manageable for her. Though she usually carries "bear spray" as well, she's a lot more comfortable with these as "Plan B". No modifications to her Glock, no issues with feeding or lead fouling.
Ryan Barnes on 02/24/2017 08:35pm
I got these for woods carry when I'm hiking. I have the potential of coming across black bear, cougars, wolf's and coyotes. I fired a couple of these from my glock 17 and they kick noticeably harder than regular p ammo. Still very controlable though.
Jeff on 03/23/2016 08:28am
These babies are hot . Peeled right through an old car door and through a 3/4 inch plywood . Very accurate no noticeable recoil very little to no flash . I feel totally confident for woods protection up to black bear and mountain lion 17 rounds of this in a glock 17 gen4 and its all you'll need . Shipping was very quick . Overall completely satisfied and will be back to buy more. Buffalo bore is awesome try these
Joe R on 08/18/2014 08:57pm
This product is a winner. I did a test to determine which bullet has the best penetration. I used two 2 X 6 pine boards on top of a stack of glossy magazines. While this test is not scientific, it does give a good indication when comparing different bullets. In order of finish from best to worst. Buffalo Bore 124, Fiocchi 124, Underwood 147 plus P, Double Tap 147 plus P, Federal 147, and Fiocchi 147. All are FMJ and were fired from a CZ 85 combat with 4.7" barrel. I might add that the Buffalo Bore was at least 1 1/2" deeper than the second place Fiocchi. With this penetrating round, you can take a light 9mm handgun to the next level. It could save your life in a pinch. GREAT PRODUCT
DW on 02/01/2014 07:11pm
As advertised! I got 1300 fps out of my Beretta 92A1 and 1500 fps out of my Beretta CX4 carbine at the range today. I usually get around 1050 and 1250 respectively with typical target ammo.
Dave on 05/23/2013 05:43pm
First I'd like to thank everyone at Buffalo Bore for this ammo including the gentleman who's idea it was to begin selling it... When I first purchased my 9mm carbine in 1999 I was young and didn't know much about ballistics... I felt bad as I learned of it's inferior penetrating power in comparison to rifles... While still far from rifle like in penetrating power, this ammo paired with my carbine brings a new joy to experimenting with shooting of various different things, and turns my rifle into a possible 3A vest defeater, if a bad guy's wearing one!
Ronald Morgan on 03/22/2013 01:41pm
I carry a 15-round mag of these in my 9mm SIG on our ranch in central Texas. It really gives an extra layer of security, because out here you never know what you'll run into. It might be a larger animal where greater penetration or a solid head shot is needed - a big feral dog or hog, mountain lion, whatever. I feel a lot safer knowing I have 16 rounds that will blow right through anything I'm likely to encounter.

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