255 gr. Hard Cast FN @ 1,075 fps/M.E. 654 ft-lbs
20 Round Box
ITEM 45S255
45 Super is externally/dimensionally identical to 45 ACP or 45 ACP +P and is designed to be used in 45 ACP semi-auto pistols that have been fitted with stronger than normal recoil springs and a shock buffer, plus a couple other modifications. While you can shoot 45 SUPER out of some stock 45 CP +P pistols such as the Glock 21, HK USP or the full-sized all steel 1911, you will batter your pistol if you do not have them modified to handle the extra pressure and slide velocity of the 45 Super.
All our 45 Super ammunition is loaded with flash suppressed powders so that if you have to fire in low light (when the criminal element is out) you will not be blinded by your own gunfire at the worst possible moment.
To learn about the modifications your 45 ACP pistol needs to reliably and safely fire 45 SUPER, contact Garey Hindman at 936-402-3484. Garey is the foremost authority on 45 Super modifications/conversions for your 45 acp and Garey performs such conversions for a living.
The below velocities were fired from my Colt Gold Cup Govt. Model (5-inch) that was converted by Garey.
? 1,330 fps -- Item # 45S185 - (185gr. Jhp)
? 1,235 fps -- Item # 45S200 - (200gr. Jhp)
? 1,131 fps -- Item # 45S230 - (230gr. Jhp)
? 1,133 fps -- Item # 45S230FMJ - (230gr. FMJ-FLAT NOSE)
? 1,090 fps -- Item # 45S255 - (255gr. HARD CAST-FLAT NOSE)
As always with Buffalo Bore Ammunition, we use real world firearms to give you real-world data and results.
All three of the JHP loads were designed for anti-personnel use and for hunting small big game-like deer. The two solid bullet loads were designed for breaking large bones like a bear's shoulders or skull but will work for anti-personnel use as well if you need to shoot through cover like car doors or stick frame walls.
Item 45S255 - Exterior Ballistics Charts for several Muzzle Velocities

Muzzle Velocity @ 1300 fps for Item 45S255

Muzzle Velocity @ 1200 fps for Item 45S255

Muzzle Velocity @ 1100 fps for Item 45S255

Muzzle Velocity @ 1000 fps for Item 45S255

Muzzle Velocity @ 900 fps for Item 45S255

Field Proven pistol and handgun ammo. Maximum firepower ammo. Best ammunition for pistols and handguns for sale. Buffalo Bore. Strictly big bore. Strictly Business.
You must be 18 or older to order ammunition. Ammunition must ship UPS ground. Due to Department of Transportation regulations, we cannot accept returns on Ammunition. Make sure to use the correct ammunition in your gun. Check local laws before ordering.
RoyYeager on 04/22/2024 03:07pm
After my initial review I scoped the converted Glock using a Carver mount with a Crimson Trace 2.5x8 handgun scope. The gun consistently shot 2.5" 5 shot groups at 100 yards from the shooting bench. Awesome load.
Roy Yeager on 03/22/2023 09:37am
I shot these through a G21SF that was modified to safely use .45 Super ammunition. As I did on all of the 45 Super ammunition I chronographed them. Velocity was spot on and as with the other BB 45 Super ammo the extreme spread was single digit. Id did some penetration testing with these bullets and they were in the same ball park with my .44 Magnum cast loads. The penetration was equal to the best 10mm loads at the same time but left a bigger hole doing it. I ended up hunting with the 230 grain JHP load but these would have went end to end through any deer. After deer season I installed a scope on the .45 super in Carver mounts. After sighting it in the 255 grain loads shot 2.5" groups at 100 yards from the scoped pistol. I may be able to do a bit more work on the gun and tighten it up but that is pretty good for a Glock. 40 yard groups are nearly exactly 1". I prefer expanding bullets on deer but wouldn't have a problem using this as grizzly protection.
A.K. on 12/20/2017 03:07pm
I bought this ammo in preparation for my trip to the Northwest, Canada and then Alaska. I could not drive through Canada with my 44 magnums because they were like 1/8" too short to legally drive through Canada with. So I took the advice I got from others and converted my G21 to shoot the super. All I did was buy a KKM barrel and switch out a 25lb spring from the 22lb spring I used for the P 45 Outdoorsman. I ran several magazines of the 45 Super Outdoorsman and the 45 Super FMJFN and I had no problems with either so I decided to go with the 45 Super Outdoorsman. This is by far the most powerful semi auto round I have fired or even heard of. This round is more powerful than regular 240 44 mag ammo out of my 4 inch barrel. I have Garrett Cartridges and a few of the other Buffalo Bore 44 mag loads and although the 45 Super is not as powerful as them, I feel just as confident using the G21 with the 45 Super Outdoorsman. I would rather have had my 44s, but after many practice iterations burning through about 7 rounds in 2 seconds, with 7 more rounds to spare, I was feeling confident. confident to just walk the trails and walk around with my dogs that is. not hunt or anything. I just wanted to be able to give myself a chance if anything happened. Don't let anyone tell you that you won't have a chance with this 45 Super. I stopped quite a bit on my way up to Prudhoe Bay on the Dalton, but I never went into any deep remote areas with limited visibility due to brush. One time I stopped and was going to let the dogs out and the dogs went nuts for some reason. They are APBTs and rarely ever bark or growl and they never got that riled up and never have till this day. I had one leg out of the truck and pulled it back in and drove off, 100 yards down the road there was a huge Grizzly chilling out. and that was the extent of my Grizzly encounters. Skunks have always been my #1 Arch Enemy!!
Jimmy Ragano on 01/11/2015 09:18pm
With a 23lb recoil spring in my Springfield 1911, the recoil of this round was that of a lite recoiling 10mm. It was easily the most accurate .45 caliber bullet I've ever shot with point of aim being exactly the point of impact at 25 yards. This is my go to round when Kayak fishing with black bears, boars, and two legged creeps around.
stan on 09/03/2011 09:28pm
Shot it out of my glock 21sf with lwd 6in barrel and ismi 22lb spring, stainless guide rod.
Recoil increase is 30%, measurable increase in muzzle noise, over 50% increase in downrange performance.
It recoils like a hot 357 mag, but hits targets like a 44 mag.
Seriously considering it as a primary hunting handgun.
here's a video of me shooting it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvYpGKBfVfQ