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Standard Pressure Short Barrel Low Flash Heavy .38 Special c

SKU: 20C/20
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Standard Pressure Short Barrel Low Flash Heavy .38 Special Ammo
158 gr. Soft Lead SWC-HC (850 fps/M.E. 253 ft. lbs.)
20 Round Box


Due to customer demand, we've developed this defensive 38 SPL ammo. Our customers wanted some devastating 38 SPL loads that would fill the following criteria. 

1. It won't hurt older/fragile/alloy revolvers. (Non +P)
2. Is effective as a "fight stopper" through the use of proper bullets. 
3. Is more powerful than typical/standard, weak 38SPL ammo.
4. Generate much less recoil than our +P 38SPL ammo.
5. Is flash suppressed.

Buffalo Bore is introducing these three different heavy, yet standard pressure loadings for 38 SPL. These offerings are loaded at standard pressure, but they are much more powerful than normal 38SPL ammo. These loads will not harm older more fragile revolvers. So, these loads are safe for use in ANY 38 SPL revolver, provided it is in normal working condition. As stated above, the "POWER" level of these loads is really closer to a typical +P power level, but the pressure is standard. We are able to develop these powerful standard pressure loads with modern non-canister powders. Again, these loads recoil far less than our +P 38 SPL ammo. 

All three of these loads are flash suppressed, so firing them in the dark won't blind you. We use flash suppressed powder in our defensive ammo, in the loadings we can, because over 90% of all civilian shootings in America occur in low light when the criminal element is at work. We don't want you blinded by your own gunfire after the first shot. 

Item 20C utilizes the same 158gr. with a very soft lead cast, SWC-HC gas checked bullet, we load in our +P 38 SPL ammo. It is designed to expand and then penetrate quite deep. (Approx. 14 inches in human tissue) This bullet is gas checked and will NOT lead your barrel. Note the below velocities that I recorded out of my personal revolvers- NOT TEST BARRELS!

?  854 fps (256 ft. lbs.) -- S&W mod. 60, 2-inch barrel
?  871 fps (266 ft. lbs.) -- S&W mod. 66, 2.5-inch barrel
?  930 fps (303 ft. lbs.) -- Ruger SP101, 3-inch barrel
?  979 fps (336 ft. lbs.) -- S&W Mt. Gun, 4-inch barrel

Item 20C - Exterior Ballistics Charts for several different Muzzle Velocities


Muzzle Velocity @ 1200 fps for Item 20C


Muzzle Velocity @ 1100 fps for Item 20C


Muzzle Velocity @ 1000 fps for Item 20C


Muzzle Velocity @ 900 fps for Item 20C


Muzzle Velocity @ 800 fps for Item 20C

Field Proven pistol and handgun ammo. Maximum firepower ammo. Best ammunition for pistols and handguns for sale. Buffalo Bore. Strictly big bore. Strictly Business.

You must be 18 or older to order ammunition. Ammunition must ship UPS ground. Due to Department of Transportation regulations, we cannot accept returns on Ammunition. Make sure to use the correct ammunition in your gun. Check local laws before ordering.

Michael sherfield on 08/30/2024 01:41pm
I bought a box of this from psa. I've always heard good things about buffalo bore. You can definitely tell just from shooting this stuff is loaded way hotter. The recoil was a little bit more but I can still land accurate double taps from my rock m206. Honestly I think I will be buying alot more of this brand. The 6 rounds I shot made me really respect this round.
Charles Walters on 07/21/2023 08:01pm
Mr. Sundles is a man who knows his stuff! The standard pressure lswchp is what goes in my m&p 340 & my 442 for defense against 2 legged varmints. I would also use the 150 gr wc; the outdoorsman for big 4 legged critters.
Scott Tschirhart on 01/09/2022 04:34pm
This is the very best load for a Smith & Wesson airweight. Shoots to the sights and groups better than any other load in my 638.
Dennis on 09/26/2018 06:33pm
I picked up a new S&W Model 60 with a 3" barrel and wanted to see how well it shot the 158 gr LSWCHP standard pressure cartridge. I shot in single action mode because I wanted to see how well the round performed by eliminating my less than perfect double action technique. The result surprised me as I shot a three leaf clover at a distance of twenty-one feet.

I shot several other rounds today as well but none gave me the cloverleaf that I got from Buffalo Bore.

Well done Mr. Sundles!
mark on 06/02/2018 01:19pm
Excellent expansion on a "Paul Harrel meat target." One round expanded to 1.75",and the other to @1.6". Textbook expansion. This was on a four denim layer FBI type test, with a ham as the arm muscle. Complete penetration, and the rounds stop right at the layered backstop. I am very confident that my revolvers with this ammo will stop a threat without destroying my hearing, blinding me in the dark, and will not endanger any bystanders. Great website!
Seth Burgin on 04/14/2018 08:38pm
I got better velocity from a Colt Detective Special, than a J Frame Smith, but the Colt D frame locks up better than any other revolver, except a Russian Nagant. These are what I use in J Frames, but the high carbon steel Colt D Frames were sometimes reamed out to .357, and they could shoot .357 too, just not frequently.
Helga on 07/05/2017 11:00pm
I think something may have gone wrong with my previous review, so here is the corrected version.

I was comparing this "Standard Pressure Short Barrel Low Flash Heavy .38 Special Pistol and Handgun Ammo" to the Heavy 158 grain plus P.

"I fired this from my 2016 Taurus 2" snubnose for the first time in my life. The kick was laughable and almost nonexistent. The bullet mushroomed perfectly and stayed in one piece. I shot it into soaking wet phone books. It penetrated your standard large soaking wet phone books at about 2 feet away through 2 and one half of them (the standard size phone books).

The PLUS P 158 grain was incredibly violent to me. It made it into the fifth waterlogged phonebook, but only as the copper-colored back part of the bullet which separated (or fragmented) into a molten looking lead blob that stopped in the 3 and one half phonebook range."
G. Stanley on 03/07/2017 12:56am
This Is a follow up review to my initial one. The ammunition still fires as well as ever even in the moist snowy Jemez mountains of northwest central NM. Never stop making great ammo and being a real asset to this free nation BB.
W Pope on 02/17/2017 11:26am
The perfect .38 SPL defense round for alloy revolvers. Powerful, accurate and comfortable in my '83 Colt Agent.
Gregory Stanley on 12/30/2016 06:49pm
THE absolute best standard pressure .38 special and it's all I will be feeding my 4" S&W model 10-5. Shoots right at point of aim and recoil is very tame in my larger hands. Great stuff BB!
John B on 01/30/2016 11:30am
Through testing several other brands of standard pressure .38 special, I've settled on these.
John B on 11/14/2012 01:53pm
used these in my Taurus M85ul. Recoil is'nt bad at all. Hits hard, and to point of aim at 5yds.
60yrsshootin on 01/10/2012 05:04pm
Shoots to point of aim at 15 ft. with my S
Leon Kenshalo on 05/05/2010 06:07pm
Buffalo Bore ammo is the ONLY thing I will carry while hiking in the Alaskan widerness. I use the LSWC in my .38 and even the full WC for max penetraion. Great product!

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