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Heavy 357 Magnum Pistol and Handgun Ammo c

SKU: 19C/20
Qty: - +

Heavy 357 Magnum Ammo
158 gr. J.H.C. @ 1,475 fps / M.E. 763 ft lbs
20 Round Box


Our 357 mag. ammo adds more power than ever before to the 357 Mag. This ammo is safe to shoot in ANY all steel 357 revolver - this includes J frames. This ammo is no harder on your gun than any other normal 357 ammo. Please don't phone or email us and ask if this ammo is safe in your gun. It is, providing your gun is in a safe condition for use with any normal 357 ammo.

We don't recommend that this ammo is fired in super light alloy revolvers as bullets may jump crimp under recoil, but the ammo itself won't hurt these super light weight revolvers. These revolvers are simply so light that the recoil is severe enough to cause jump crimp.

The below velocities are offered so that you can see what guns/barrel lengths give what velocities with this new 357 mag. ammo. You'll notice that new S&W revolvers with short barrels are often shooting faster than older S&W revolvers with longer barrels. The new S&W revolvers are very good and are made with equipment that makes them more consistent and faster than the S&W revolvers of yesteryear.

Make special note of the Marlin 1894, 18.5-inch barrel velocities. Item 19C/20 supersedes 30-30 energies!!!

?  3-inch S&W J-frame

a. Item 19A/20-180gr. Hard cast LFN = 1302 fps
b. Item 19B/20-170gr. JHC (jacketed hollow cavity) = 1299 fps
c. Item 19C/20-158gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 1398 fps
d. Item 19D/20-125gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 1476 fps

?  4-inch S&W L frame Mt. Gun

a. Item 19A/20-180gr. Hard cast LFN = 1375 fps
b. Item 19B/20-170gr JHC = 1411 fps
c. Item 19C/20-158gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 1485 fps
d. Item 19D/20-125gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 1603 fps

?  5-inch S&W model 27

a. Item 19A/20-180gr. Hard Cast =1398 fps
b. Item 19B/20-170gr. JHC = 1380 fps
c. Item 19C/20-158gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 1457 fps
d. Item 19D/20-125gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 1543 fps

?  6-inch Ruger GP 100

a. Item 19D/20-125gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 1707 fps

?  18.5-inch Marlin 1894

a. Item 19A/20-180gr. Hard Cast = 1851 fps
b. Item 19B/20-170gr. JHC = 1860 fps
c. Item 19C/20-158gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 2153 fps---- Can you believe this?!!!
d. Item 19D/20-125gr. Jacketed Hollow Point = 2298 fps---- Or this?!!!

Item 19C - Exterior Ballistics Charts for different Muzzle Velocities


Muzzle Velocity @ 2200 fps for Item 19C


Muzzle Velocity @ 2100 fps for Item 19C


Muzzle Velocity @ 2000 fps for Item 19C


Muzzle Velocity @ 1900 fps for Item 19C


Muzzle Velocity @ 1800 fps for Item 19C


Muzzle Velocity @ 1700 fps for Item 19C


Muzzle Velocity @ 1600 fps for Item 19C


Muzzle Velocity @ 1500 fps for Item 19C


Muzzle Velocity @ 1400 fps for Item 19C


Muzzle Velocity @ 1300 fps for Item 19C


Muzzle Velocity @ 1200 fps for Item 19C

Field Proven pistol and handgun ammo. Maximum firepower ammo. Best ammunition for pistols and handguns for sale. Buffalo Bore. Strictly big bore. Strictly Business.

You must be 18 or older to order ammunition. Ammunition must ship UPS ground. Due to Department of Transportation regulations, we cannot accept returns on Ammunition. Make sure to use the correct ammunition in your gun. Check local laws before ordering.

S.Charles on 11/10/2021 01:19pm
Definitely does the job. No issues from my full size 8 shot Taurus.
Ron on 04/21/2020 12:59pm


I am using a Marlin 1894 Lever Action and your 158 grain hollow points. Most of the deer fall in within 30 yards. After having used 12 gauge slugs for the last 35 years, it is a total pleasure to hunt with the little lever action. I bought some of your 180 grain hard cast to try this year although the 158 grain has been amazing out of the rifle.

Since they started letting us hunt with handgun cartridges here in Indiana, a lot of guys have switched to the lever actions and single shots.

I had to show some of my friends your web site for them to believe the ballistics your ammo gives out of a rifle. I like the ammo so well, I intend to use some of the 125 grain hollow points I ordered for coyote hunting. The two coyotes I shot last year with the heavier bullets dropped in their tracks.

With your Ammo, my 12 gauge slug gun and my varmint rifle are pretty much retired. It is amazing what I can do with the one gun now thanks to the Ammo you have developed. The attached picture is my buck from last year, 162 inches and 210 pounds field dressed. This was a 90 yard shot with the 357. Now, none of my friends doubt what the 357 can do with your ammo on a big deer.


Brian E. on 12/18/2018 08:33pm
The 19C load is a huge overachiever on big Iowa whitetails so far this season. Between myself and sons, we have killed 3 bucks at 190, 120, and 90 yards collectively. The bullets did complete pass-throughs on the chest and both shoulders and chest on the 190 and 90 yard shots respectively. The 120 yard outcome was perhaps the most impressive. That animal was a giant body buck and my son shot it through the chest first; not knowing it was dead on it's feet he fired again as it was running away. That shot penetrated completely through the first hindquarter without hitting bone and then it pulverized the femur of the other hindquarter before lodging just under the hide on the far side. On that giant buck, it was at least 24 inches of solid tissue penetration plus the one femur. Recovered bullet looked like something out of a magazine. Perfect mushroom with great weight retention. This stuff just plain gets it done. Best yet, besides the devastating performance, feels like shooting a cap-gun coming out of my Henry Big Boy Silver 20" barrel model.
Anthony T. on 09/20/2017 09:22am
This stuff is hands down the best 357 magnum rounds money can buy!
Jim on 08/09/2017 10:20am
Tried these out in my Ruger 77-357 a couple days ago. Target was at 50 yds, rifle was scoped with 3x scope. Bullets were fired through a Shooting Chrony chronograph. I fired three shots. Results: 2017 fps 2018 fps 2017 fps. 1 1/2" group with two in the same hole. Chronograph eight feet from muzzle. The load produces more than 1,400 ft-lbs of muzzle energy. I have yet to find a handload that will match this ammunition in accuracy or velocity.
John on 01/21/2017 01:55pm
Me likey 19C.
Me likey BOOM!!!
Mark on 02/06/2015 04:43pm
This is good stuff! When considering ammo, forget price per round and think about price per of energy. If you do the math, you'll likely settle on Buffalo Bore like I did. It takes roughly one and a half rounds of "normal" .357 to equal the energy of a single BB.
Thomas M. on 09/13/2014 08:03am
I searched long and far trying to find a round for my son to begin hunting whitetail deer with. I ended up settling on the heavy 158 grain Buffalo Bore rounds. He shoots them through a an H&R Handi Rifle. I let him practice with cheap .38 rounds. When the time comes to shoot at his deer, he doesn't even notice the difference in recoil. I have had many people tell me that .357 is not enough gun to cleanly harvest deer. They haven't tried these rounds out I guess. Last years youth day buck.160 lb eight point at 100 yards. Shot directly in the shoulder broad side. Deer ran about 40 yards and piled up. Buffalo Bore has my vote!
McNugget on 12/18/2013 08:40am
@ Thomas Sizemore: I bet the 180gr Hardcast would go through a car/steel door.

Don't know how they do it, but this stuff is killer. I hunt Michigan Whitetail with my Ruger77/357, and this stuff makes that rifle kick like a 30/30. No doubts out to 150 yards on deer, taken out to 100, clean shoot through, sure wish I could find the bullet XD
Jerome Sherrod on 03/07/2013 12:50pm
Another one bites the dust. This six point was approximately 65 yds. and had turn quarter facing me. The bullet entered at the edge of shoulder traveled through the deer and exited through the hip. Exit wound 1.5" hole. He turned and ran about 40 yds. and piled up. No need to look for a better bullet for short range whitetail hunting than the 158 gr. I beleive this time I'll order a case.
Scott Harper on 12/23/2012 03:15pm
Shooting this stuff back to back with standard Remington Express ammo and there is a very noticeable difference. I shoot AR500 steel plates at my range, the standard stuff doesn't leave a mark at 60 yards. The Buffalo Bore puts a very noticeable divet in the plate.

Used this ammo this fall in my Thompson Contender G2 rifle with 16.25" barrel to take down a dear. I was just meat hunting so I didn't care buck or doe. I was a little worried about shooting a deer with a 357 mag so I was was more picky about the shot I had and the size of the deer. Passed up 5 doe's that weren't the shots I was hoping for then had this little 4 point buck at about 50 yards just standing there broad side. Shot him at the base of the neck, of course he dropped in his tracks. When I got to him, I flipped him over and I could have put my entire fist in the exit hole.

This ammo and caliber has proven itself to me. Next time I won't hesitate to take a shoulder shot on a larger deer, maybe up to 80 or 100 yards.

This is good stuff, I would highly recommend it and Buffalo Bore.
Thomas Sizemore on 11/06/2012 12:17am
My only bitch is cost, and shipping time. It took me ten days after I place my order, then it billed my account and it took ten days to recieve them. I can say the wait was worth it, as it is the most powerfull 357 ammo I ever used. I have a friend that used to load this ammo in the military, and refurs to the origanal 1935 357 loads and said that "this is the closest thing to the loads from back then, which was made to one up the .45 ACP to go through the doors of personal carriers". I am sold, BB is the best ammo out there. I just wish they made this in a Amor Piercing round (not the teflon cop killers, or the real thing, just so as it would go through a car door or home steel door). I am a BB fan now, keep up the good work..
Vern on 04/23/2012 07:07pm
Accurate as all get out. Nice loud boom from my 6" Dan Wesson with less recoil than factory S
Paul Zoellner on 12/01/2010 03:54pm

Just took my first deer with a pistol using this load. The results were devastating. Shot a huge doe in Mo. (170 lbs). Hit thru both lungs ran about 40 yds and expired. Wouldn't have died any faster with a .270. Accurate and Deadly.....I am sold!!

Joe R. on 04/16/2010 06:00pm
Holy Moly. This 158 grain slug leaves my S

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